October 24, 2008

clearly delusional

so apparently yesterday Huey Lewis was bouncing through my brain. I don't know why, but the dtty sucks. I would delete the post but I like to leave the ugly ones there to remind me to think before I post.

I actually managed to get this time sensitive project completed a day early yesterday, so I should be able to leave work today with everything moderately under control. Who Hoo! It's my birthday on Monday and I would much rather be ahead when I start the day.

D'Kar d'pissed me off this am. I was all organized to get everything in D'Kar and take it to work so that I could get to the bridge before the zombies this afternoon to take some pictures before they infest Victoria Park. But no. D'Kar she went rrrrrrrrr - and it was a no go. C'est la vie. I will ask Chris if he will come and boost me tomorrow.

Off to work now.

clearly delusional

so apparently yesterday Huey Lewis was bouncing through my brain. I don't know why, but the dtty sucks. I would delete the post but I like to leave the ugly ones there to remind me to think before I post.

I actually managed to get this time sensitive project completed a day early yesterday, so I should be able to leave work today with everything moderately under control. Who Hoo! It's my birthday on Monday and I would much rather be ahead when I start the day.

D'Kar d'pissed me off this am. I was all organized to get everything in D'Kar and take it to work so that I could get to the bridge before the zombies do this after and take some pictures before they infest Victoria Park. But no. D'Kar she went rrrrrrrrr - and it was a no go. C'est la vie. I will ask Chris if he will come and boost me tomorrow.

Off to work now.

October 23, 2008

almost hallowe'en

i want a new life....
I want it real quick ...
I want one that makes me dance ...
and where I'm never sick....

I want a new life ...
Yes, I want it all ...
I want a great stretch limo
to take me to the hallowe'en ball.

October 12, 2008


Great friends
Real people
A place to call home
Turkey dinner with the clan
I have a good job
Technology to keep in touch
Unforgettable moments
Enjoying life.

October 10, 2008

dear mom:

For some reason i really missed you today. I don't know what it is, but it's there, just out of reach. Kind of like you.

REALLY wish you were here. I'm selfish that way.

October 07, 2008


I believe I am grateful that though I have been blessed with my friends' cold, so far, cross my fingers, I have not contracted the truly snotty virulent strain. Cough, headache, ears popping, exhausted, eyes stuck together with goop is quite enough.

Abigail is correct, neo citron is my friend.

October 05, 2008


After much consideration, the wheels have been named: D'Kar.


A percussive splat! on the window, introducing the random pitter patter of autumn's tears. Mourning summer's joie d'vie with the brilliant colours of death. The sniffles are on the loose and hibernation's knocking on the door.

I'm not going to answer.

October 04, 2008


you wake to morning's dawn, colourless
the pink and orange glow of manmade happiness beckons.
to smile and in your mind be glad while the body wilts in semistasis.

today is burnt and past, ne'er to last
reality self-setting in damp cement.
opportunties destroyed before they're born.

tomorrow a new path weaves through past and present
stretching out before you.
risk? take the step.

October 03, 2008

a moment

have you ever had that moment?
you know, that intake of breath and clarity of vsion
that informs you ...

with clear bright knowledge
unprovable and true ...

missed the boat.
how sad.

Note to self: do not watch girly princess movies

October 01, 2008


My favorite month. My Birthday, concerts galore - Neil Young, Feist, SNFU and Lenny Kravitz, along with the zombie walk and the biggest costume bash of the year! And this year the costume is just a tad extravagant. All hail hallowed October.

I bought a car yesterday. yes I did. Shiny red and new to me - ahhh the freedom. I've not had one for 7 years or so... egads but I love to cruise in my automobile. I gassed it up (bit of a shocker there) then I washed it and waxed it and took it for all to see, cruisin' down the road just my baby and me. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!

Note to self: take some pictures of the car and find her name. She used to be a Clifford, but wit the adoption and gender change and all, needs a new moniker.

Workin' on the hallowe'en mask. It's divalicious.

improvise & overcome

... and why would I choose to associate myself with a term that most used used in a derogatory manner?
In order to change the meaning of a word or create a new meaning for a word, one must own the word. Over time and use the word may evolve to mean other than was originally intended & to that end...
my definition: an independent woman

dictionary definitions:

1. informal term for a (young) woman
2. an unsupervised umarried woman
3. a young woman or girl, esp. a peasant girl.
(usually facetious)
3. a woman servant
4. a wanton woman
5. Archaic: a strumpet
[Origin: 1250–1300; ME, back formation from wenchel, OE wencel child]

synonom :"dame"

Women Entitled to Nothing but Complete Happiness

International Wenches Guild

what do you believe?


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Thank you to Schmutzie.com for the text of this disclaimer :)

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