last of January in jamrock
happy is...
Care of my friend Schmutzie who is presently blacked out in support:
"Due to proposed legislation in the United States (presently SOPA and PROTECT IP), the internet we know and love could change across world borders for the worst. Even though SOPA is proposed legislation in the United States, it has provisions that would treat all Canadian IP addresses as if they were under U.S. jurisdiction, and so it would affect all Canadians.
Many sites, such as Wikipedia and Reddit, are blacked out for 24 hours in protest.
If you live in the U.S., you can take your stand against its internet blacklist bills here: "
Stop Internet Blacklist Legislation AND SIGN THE PETITION
We have been bound through the decades by the strands of the geopolitical web to the Americans. We do not have to accept their vision, or lack thereof as our model for the interweb. Or are you afraid?
scribbles by dk on 1/18/2012 2 comments
... and why would I choose to associate myself with a term that most used used in a derogatory manner?
In order to change the meaning of a word or create a new meaning for a word, one must own the word. Over time and use the word may evolve to mean other than was originally intended & to that end...
my definition: an independent woman
dictionary definitions:
1. informal term for a (young) woman
2. an unsupervised umarried woman
3. a young woman or girl, esp. a peasant girl.(usually facetious)
3. a woman servant
4. a wanton woman
5. Archaic: a strumpet
[Origin: 1250–1300; ME, back formation from wenchel, OE wencel child]
synonom :"dame"
Women Entitled to Nothing but Complete Happiness
International Wenches Guild